Despite the baseless smear tactics of some to trash the efforts of Amnesty International and insist - despite ample evidence to the contrary that it is devoting it's work solely to criticizing the USA, there are some good actions worth taking in the e-mail I received today.
The first involves Mamun al-Humsi, Habib Salih, and Riad Seif, three Syrian prisoners of conscience. A Dear Colleague letter is being circulated by Representatives Mark Steven Kirk (R - IL), Rahm Emanuel (D - IL) and Joseph Pitts (R - PA) to send to the President of Syria. Click on the above link to send a letter to your congressional representative.
Here's an action dealing with Congolese refugees in Uganda addressed to Yoweri Museveni, the President of Uganda. Finally, here's an action to have your representative urge Tom DeLay (if he can stop cutting taxes and redistricting Texas) to suspend the house rules and pass the Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act of 2003.
If Mr. Belton bothered to look a little deeper, he would have found that one can join the AI Action Center and find additional actions for different countries and different issues. Keep cursing the darkness, Patrick.
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